There are significant cancer-related inequities – in diagnosis, treatment and mortality – among traditionally marginalized populations, including: those who are homeless, have a mental illness, live in poverty, or belong to a racial or ethnic minority. Health equity data shows significant disparities in cancer status in the communities where The Kraft Center focuses its work.

In 2019, The Kraft Center, in partnership with the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, received a 5-year grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to create The Implementation Science Center for Cancer Control Equity (ISCCCE). This statewide center allows for rapid-cycle testing of innovative approaches to cancer prevention and control in settings that serve populations with health disparities. Community health centers across Massachusetts are participating in the program to increase implementation science in community health settings and enable a range of studies on the adoption and implementation of cancer care equity strategies.

In addition, a three-tiered Implementation Laboratory (I-Lab) was created within ISCCCE to support activities, operations, capacity building, and data management within community health centers across Massachusetts.