• After each clinic session, staff on the van should wipe down surfaces and medical equipment with disinfectant.
• The mobile unit should receive a comprehensive cleaning on a weekly basis. The mobile health team should ensure to budget for staff time and supplies to clean the mobile unit regularly.
• Refrigerators should also be cleaned according to the clinical partner’s existing protocols.
• Standard precautions such as hand-washing before and after each clinical encounter should be followed, and personal protective gear will be donned and doffed as needed.
• Office-based policies and procedures regarding infection control should be followed on the van, including for all procedures for identifying, reporting, controlling and monitoring infections in patients and staff of the mobile unit.
• Mobile health team should ensure they have plans and a contracted agency in place to dispose of hazardous materials.
• All biomedical waste materials and containers(including sharps) throughout the mobile unit should be collected quarterly or as needed by staff.
• The mobile health team should follow the schedule and protocols set forth by the contracted agency responsible
for removal of hazardous materials.